Our Curriculum



    The Spalding Method of Instruction, using The Writing Road to Reading, and training from Spalding Education International, is the basis of the language arts program. Open Court Reading is used as part of the literature curriculum. The goal of the language arts instruction is to develop students who are effective communicators, love literature, and are lifelong readers and writers. The curriculum has a strong phonics foundation, which is the basis of the language arts program. Comprehension skills, vocabulary and grammar are integrated within the literature program. Writing includes, but is not limited to, creative and expository writing. Communication skills include speaking and writing and expand into presentation skills using technological tools. Writing and reading begin in kindergarten and continue to be emphasized throughout the program using quality literature. Handwriting, both manuscript and cursive, is taught using Spalding’s specific methods.




    Saxon Math is used for math instruction for all grades including leveling past 6th level. Saxon uses an incremental approach to math instruction, emphasizing the continual practice of learned concepts. Math emphasizes mastery of basic facts appropriate to each grade level, alongside a solid program of instruction that teaches computation and problem-solving skills; mental math; and decoding and solving word problems that reflect real-life applications. Elements of algebra and geometry are integrated where applicable at each grade level.





    Scott Foresman Science offers a balance of content and hands-on activities addressing life science, physical science, earth science, and health. The scientific method is used for all experiments. Through oral and written presentations, students share their conclusions, reasons for the hypothesis and results.


    Health/Human Growth and Development


    The health curriculum, which covers human anatomy, personal hygiene, exercise, nutrition, and healthy life choices, is taught using the Scott Foresman Science textbook. Human Growth and Development, following the Teen Aid curriculum, is abstinence-based and encourages students toward open communication with their parents about their sexual development. Students are separated by gender for Human Growth and Development instruction. Both health and Human Growth and Development are covered during science instruction.




    Core Knowledge History and Geography, published by Pearson Learning, is used for social studies instruction in K-6. The Core Knowledge Social Studies is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts. In addition, third grade uses Alaska: A Land in Motion as a basis for instruction in Alaska Studies.


    Social Studies content consists of: World History, U. S. History, Geography, World Cultures, politics, Economies, and Government. Instructional objectives include developing an understanding of:


    • U.S. History and how our government, language, economy and culture have been shaped by world-historical events
    • Privileges and responsibilities afforded by the U.S. Constitution and amendments
    • Alaska and its people, from ancient to modern cultures, as well as its government
    • Geography, including continents, oceans, major countries and cities, state capitals, physical features, maps and mapmaking, globes, compass directions, map legends and scales