School Policies: Personal Property

  • Cell phone with NO symbol over it

    Personal Property/Cell Phones

    Students' desks and/or coat closets are not secure enough to store personal property (e.g. iPods, electronic devices, etc.). The same restrictions apply to frisbees, skateboards, CD players and other toys/game equipment. These and other items are not permitted. Cell phones must be turned off and concealed during the school day, including lunch. They may be used before and after school. Repeated violations will be regarded as willful disobedience.


    All of the above items may be confiscated by a staff member if they are out and/or a disturbance. Parents/ guardians may pick up these items at the end of the school day from the front office. If your child brings one or more of the above items to school and these items are lost or stolen, it is the family's responsibility to replace the item(s).


    For more information on Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Ê policies and expectations, please refer to The 2023-2024 Elementary Student Handbook page 13: Personal Property.