World Languages

  • World Language


    Sign Language I (H4905S1PV and H4905S2PV)

     Did you know that American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most commonly used language in North America? American Sign Language 1a: Introduction will introduce you to vocabulary and simple sentences, so that you can start communicating right away. Importantly, you will explore Deaf culture – social beliefs, traditions, history, values and communities influenced by deafness.


    Sign Language II (H4907S1PV and H4907S2PV)

    Building upon the prior prerequisite course, emphasis in this course is placed upon comprehension and signing. Learners will also continue to establish their communication skills and foster their understanding of deaf culture. In addition to learning classifiers, glossing, and mouth morphemes, students will explore vocabulary for descriptions, directions, shopping, making purchases, and dealing with emergencies.


    Spanish I (TBA)


    Spanish II (TBA)


    Spanish III (TBA)