Work Maturity Skills

  • Below you will find a listing of all of the Work Maturity Skills.  They have been defined with some examples to give you a better idea of what needs to be observed when evaluating these skill areas.  As with any social science it is not exact and there will be gray areas, but it is important to be as consistent as possible.  You will notice that some may overlap (i.e.- separates personal issues from work and cooperates with co-worker).  If a student is mad at another worker for something that happened outside of work and then brings that argument to work it is important to evaluate these with equal scores as one effects the other.


    1.  Cooperates with Supervisor:  Does the student generally follow directions and go along with the planned or scheduled tasks?  Are they respectful to their supervisor?


    2.  Cooperates with Co-Worker:  Does the person like to work with others? Do they work cooperatively with others? Can/do they socialize well with others?  Do they understand the rules of when and how to socialize at work?


    3.  Communicates Accurately:  Is the person honest when asked about their work or other issues.  Do they communicate accurately about work issues (i.e.- why they can’t come to work)?  Can they accurately sequence events and/or give all information to be understood?


    4.  Addresses Supervisor in an Appropriate Manner:  Do they use good manners to gain attention (i.e.- Excuse me)?  Do they call the supervisor by the appropriate title or name?


    5.  Seeks Assistance Appropriately:  When task is finished and more work is needed, does student seek out a supervisor or co-worker for more work?  If student encounters a problem do they recognize the problem and seek help from an appropriate source?


    6.  Expresses Job Concerns in an Appropriate Manner:  If problems arise, either professional or personal, does student discuss it in an effective manner or bring it to the attention of the appropriate person?


    7.  Accepts Constructive Criticism:  Does the student listen quietly when given constructive criticism?  Do they acknowledge the advice in an appropriate manner (no arguing)?  Do they change their behavior to reflect the advice and directions given? Do they maintain the change across time?


    8.  Adapts to Changes in Routine:  If changes occur in scheduling or what task the student is asked to do, how do they respond?  Positively?  Negatively?  Are they able to change the way in which they do a task without an inordinate amount of retraining?


    9.  Observes Safety Rules:  Does the student follow safety procedures as outlined (i.e.-wash hands as prescribed, keep appliance cords out of the way of passersby, lifts heavy objects correctly, etc.)?


    10.  Reports Absences:  Does student call in if sick within appropriate time frame.  Do they arrange for time off (vacation or appointments), giving sufficient notice?  Do they fill out necessary paperwork?  Do they call if they will be late?


    11.  Maintains Punctuality:  Do they report to work on time, are they work ready on time, do they return from lunch or breaks on time?


    12.  Demonstrates Appropriate Hygiene and Grooming:  Do they report to work with a clean and neat appearance?  Do they appear to shower/bathe regularly?  Are their clothes neat and clean?  Do they have good oral hygiene?


    13.  Maintains Timecard:  Do they sign or punch in and out without reminders?


    14.  Dresses Appropriately for Job Site:  Do they wear the appropriate uniform if there is one?  Do they wear clothing that matches the type of job they are doing (i.e.-outdoor gear appropriate for the weather, clothing appropriate for working around children, etc.)?


    15.  Maintains Work Pace:  Do they get their work assignment completed in the time allowed?  Are they to fast yet thorough?  Are they slow in their work pace?


    16.  Exhibits Proper Behavior Towards Others During Unstructured Time:  Does the student use good social skills in the break area?  Do they use good manners while eating, etc.?  Do they talk about appropriate subjects?  Do they use good social skills while traveling to and from work site or during transition times at the work site (i.e.- while signing in/out or getting ready to stop or leave)?


    17.  Takes Care of Tools and Equipment:  Do they show respect for the equipment at the job?  Do they put things away?  Do they report if things are broken and/or need attention?


    18.  Listens to Directions:  When given directions does the student listen to the entire directions before going about their task?  Do they ask for clarification if they do not understand the direction?


    19.  Follow Directions:  Does the student follow directions as given?  How many steps can they follow?  One, two, three, multiple?


    20.  Stays on Task:  Is the student able to stay on task until it’s completion?  How long can they attend to task without distraction?  Are they able to redirect themselves?  Or do they need intervention?


    21.  Demonstrate Initiative:  Do they show initiative within their job routine by moving from task to task without cue?  Can the student look around and find other things that need to be done that are within their job description?  Do they do these things without direction?  Do they show initiative only when their priority job assignments are completed?  Do they ask for other things to do if they have finished all?  Do they offer suggestions appropriately for things that they see need to be done or that they can do?


    22.  Completes Task Thoroughly:  Do they finish the work to the boss’s satisfaction?  Is the task completed as directed (i.e.- did they wash all of the dishes)?


    23.  Organizes/Responds to Schedule:  Do they understand the concept of how long their job task should take?  Can they increase or decrease their speed dependent on when the job has to be done?  Can they organize which task should be done first, second, etc, in order to be the most efficient?


    24.  Organizes Work:  Is the student able to sequence the work they have to do so as to be the most efficient?


    25.  Separates Personal Issues From Work:  Is the student able to not be upset at the work place if there was a personal crisis or issue at home or outside of the work place?  Are they able to do their job effectively if they are having a personal issue with a co-worker?  Do they continue to come to work, scheduling needed appointments, etc, outside their work hours to deal with their personal issues?