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Notice from Student Services

Food Deliveries

There will be no Uber Eats, Door Dash, and Grub Hub food deliveries allowed for students this school year.  This move will cut down on missed class time and thefts.  In the past when deliveries arrive, a text message goes to the student in class.  That’s the first distraction.  Many ask the teacher to leave the room for a water break, or bathroom break to go get their food.  That’s missed class time.  Many deliveries happen after lunch ends which compels students to leave their afternoon class to get their delivery.  That’s more missed class time.  When deliveries are stolen, hours staff time are directed toward dealing with the theft.  Our front office is not equipped the same as a fast-food restaurant service counter.  We have a full-service cafeteria.  Thank you for your help keep students in the classroom getting instruction.