Academic Supports

  • The Clark Extended Day Learning After School Program provides a safe, fun, and educational environment for students in 6th through 8th grade. Students are given a variety of well- rounded enrichment activities that meet their developmental needs and interests. Activities may include: SBA Preparation, science, homework help, art, music, crafts, creative dramatic play, technology, and group projects. Clark Extended Day Learning After School will work with the school to enhance students' learning through an extended day program. The program operates Monday through Friday throughout the school year.


    The after-school session is from 3 to 5:00 p.m.


    Students enrolled in one of our many sports programs will participate in their sports practice from 3:00 - 4:30 PM for the duration of the sports event season.  A list of sports events available to students can be found on the Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Ê website, listed under Sports. Transportation services are provided for students enrolled in the program who qualify as regular bus-riding students. Athletes needing the activity bus to get home will stay in the after-school program after practice ends at 4:30 until 5:00 PM.  Attendance will be taken daily. Parents are to inform staff by phone or note if your child will not be attending the after-school program. The Extended Day After School Program will contact parents if students are absent. We have several enrollment options to suit your needs. Please ensure that your contact information is current.

    NOTE: Students who choose to visit the Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Ê Library during the after school program will not be able to ride the Extended Day After School Program bus.