
    AMCS students can take PE through Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²ÊVirtual or their affiliate school (needs approval with PT course enrollment form.)


    If you would like to register for an online PE class next semester, please email sherwood_beth@asdk12.org with your course selection. Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Êvirtual courses are described below. Each is worth 0.5 Credits towards your PE requirement.


    Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Êvirtual classes are accessed through (Not Canvas).  Your instructor will be a certified Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²Ê Teacher.


    Ê®·ÖÁùºÏ²ÊVirtual PE Classes Course Descriptions:


    Learning Platform

    Course Name



    Fitness Basics (Physical Education)

    Physical Education combines the best online instruction with actual student participation in weekly cardiovascular, aerobic, and muscle toning activities. The course promotes a keen understanding of the value of physical fitness and aims to motivate students to participate in physical activities throughout their lives.

    Specific areas of study include Cardiovascular exercise and care, safe exercising, building muscle strength and endurance, injury prevention, fitness skills and FITT benchmarks, goal setting, nutrition and diet (vitamins and minerals, food labels, evaluation product claims), and stress management.

    The course requires routine participation in adult-supervised physical activities. Successful completion of this course will require parent/legal guardian sign-off on student-selected physical activities and weekly participation reports to verify the student is meeting his or her requirements and responsibilities.

    Physical Education is built to state standards and informed by the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports standards.



    Pursuing Wellness (Health)

    Health is a valuable, skills-based health education course designed for general education in grades 9 through 12. Health helps students develop knowledge, attitudes, and essential skills in a variety of health-related subjects, including mental and emotional health, social health, nutrition, physical fitness, substance use and abuse, disease prevention and treatment, and injury prevention and safety.

    Through use of accessible information and project-based learning, students apply the skills they need to stay healthy. These skills include identifying and accessing valid health information, practicing self-management, identifying internal and external influences, communicating effectively, making healthy decisions, setting goals, and advocating. Students who complete health build the skills they need to protect, enhance, and promote their health and the health of others.

    This course is built to state standards.



    Health Opportunities through Physical Education (HOPE)

    Health Opportunities through Physical Education (HOPE) combines instruction in health and physical education in a full-year, integrated course. It focuses on developing skills, habits, and attitudes to maintain a healthy lifestyle and applying lessons learned to physical fitness. Through active participation and real-world simulations, the course aims to demonstrate firsthand the value of conscientious lifestyle management.

    HOPE lays a foundation for making healthy decisions by building seven skills: accessing valid health information; analyzing internal and external influences; self-management; interpersonal communication; decision-making; goal setting; and advocacy. Students apply these skills to a variety of topics throughout the course, including mental and emotional health, social health, nutrition, physical fitness, substance use and abuse, disease prevention and treatment, and injury prevention and safety. Successful completion of this course will require parent/legal guardian sign-off on student-selected physical activities on weekly participation reports to verify the student is meeting his or her requirements and responsibilities.

    This course is built to the Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for health and physical education and informed by the National Health Standards (SHAPE).



    Nutrition & Wellness

    To keep our body and our mind running like finely tuned machines, we need to use the right fuel. For humans, that means nourishing our bodies with the right foods. In this course, you’ll explore how food affects essential aspects of your life from your weight to how you age to how well you think. You’ll also examine how outside influences- family, peers, and the media- can affect your diet and your perception of food and how to set yourself up for nutritional success. Are you interested in a career in holistic wellness? Start your health journey now with Nutrition and Wellness.



    Personal Fitness

    What does being fit really mean? It’s not only about losing weight. Being fit is about living life to the fullest and making the most of what you have yourself! You’ll learn about body functions, safety, diet, goals, and strategies for longevity. Explore the world of healthy living and see how real fitness can be achieved through intention, effort, and just the right amount of knowledge.



    Health 1: Life Management Skills

    What does it mean to be healthy? In the simplest terms, it means taking care of our body and mind. Explore the connections between your physical, mental, and social health. Learn how to promote better health by decreasing stress and finding a fuller vision for your life through lifestyle choices, interactions with others, healthcare, and making sensible dietary choices. Build your plan to ensure your overall health, happiness, and well-being!