• Home support if my student is failing classes 

  • relationship building

    Focus on your relationship first

    Navigating relationships with teens can feel like a tug a war. They need support and independence to address mistakes. Make sure you are spending time together that you both enjoy.

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips:

  • expectations


    Set family expectations

    Take some time to discuss expectations and make sure they are clear to your teen.

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips.

  • advocate

    Teach them to self-advocate 

    In high school, it becomes important for teens to practice how to manage the tougher conversations of asking for help and advocating for their own needs. These skills will serve them as young adults in college and the workforce. 

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips. 

  • why

    Find out the “Why?” 

    Calmly ask open-ended questions to gain more insight into what your teen believes is going on. 

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips. 

  • action plan

    Make a plan 

    Create a plan together that allows them to advocate for themselves and allows you to be a support in helping them make improvements. 

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips. 

  • next?


    Next steps If they fail 

    Experiencing the natural consequence of a failing grade can sometimes be enough to help teens make adjustments for the future classes. 

    Listen to this 30-second clip for tips.

  • Helping students stay on track for graduation