• The School Based Behavior Supports (SBBS) Program

    The School Based Behavior Support (SBBS) Program is for students who are eligible for special education services in Kindergarten through 6th grade. The mission of the SBBS Program is to provide high quality services for students with challenging behavior. Intensive interventions are delivered by specially trained staff in specific environments in order to successfully access their education, while developing the skills to return to a less restrictive environment. Our sites are located at Kasuun, Lake Hood, and William Tyson elementary schools.


    The SBBS Program:


    • Develops individual education programs (IEPs) and behavioral intervention plans (BIPs) to promote independence and academic progress
    • Describes and reshapes observable behaviors of students
    • Implements district-approved common core curriculum
    • Teaches students frustration tolerance, flexibility and problem-solving techniques 
    • Provides interventions that emphasize self-monitoring, self-regulation, and self-management strategies 
    • Involves staff in continuously role-modeling replacement behaviors
    • Supports families with the use of community resources that emphasizes the importance of community and school partnerships.


    The students in the SBBS Program are provided continual opportunities to engage in problem-solving and social skill development while accessing common core curriculum within the environment of a neighborhood school. Students are at or near academic grade level and are on the regular diploma track. Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) are individualized or amended to meet the needs of each student. As directed by their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), the students in SBBS have access to general education environment, to the greatest extent possible. The IEP team decides if a student needs to be in a less or more restrictive placement.


    Our service model encompasses training, resources, effective practices, and collaboration & networking within our schools and in the community. Our methodologies include Positive Behavior Supports (PBS), Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI), Trauma Informed Care (TIC), and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our structure involves two types of classrooms - Transition and Intensive Classrooms. Our structure also includes a Refocus Area. Our instructional blocks embrace district approved academics,  social emotional learning (SEL), teaching replacement and recess skills. Our process & procedures entails entering the SBBS Program, transitioning between the two structured SBBS classrooms, transitioning into general education settings utilizing the positive approach to student success (PASS) program, and exiting out of the SBBS Program. Our multi-disciplinary team includes families, special education teachers, general education teachers, teacher assistants, behavior coaches, counselors, nurses, social workers, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, school psychologists, department chairs, behavior analysts, building administrators, and district-level administrators.